
Introduction: Low back pain (LBP) is a very frequent disorder associated with high health-care and labour costs. While episodes are mostly non-specific, have no organic cause and are thus usually resolved within a few weeks, they can nevertheless become chronic in a small group of patients. Neuroreflexotherapy (NRT) is a minimally invasive procedure used in the treatment of non-specific LBP. It consists of the temporary implantation of epidermal devices in the ear (pinna) and surgical staples at certain trigger points related with the metameres clinically implicated in LBP.

Objective: To assess the efficacy, effectiveness and safety of NRT in the treatment of non-specific lower back pain in adults.

Methods: Systematic review of the scientific literature. A search was
made of databases specialised in systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines, general databases and ongoing research projects. Two reviewers, acting independently, then subjected the full text of the papers selected to critical perusal.

Results, discussion, conclusions and recomendations see pdf below